Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)
CAPC targets children living in low income families; children living in teenage-parent families; children experiencing developmental delays, social, emotional or behavioural problems; and abused and neglected children.
Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) is a Public Health Agency of Canada initiative that focuses on forming partnerships in the community.
The purpose of CAPC is to create opportunities for families, neighborhoods and communities to work together so that by the age of six, all children will have developed to their optimum level – physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually.
CAPC programs are provided primarily for teen parents, newly immigrated parents and parents who are socially isolated due to economic circumstances, illness, disability, place of residence and/or ethno-cultural factors, who have children 0 to 6 years of age.
What to Expect
We provide a wide range of developmentally appropriate, fun, and interactive learning opportunities for you and your child to explore together.
CAPC provides families and caregivers with children ages 0 through 6 years, a range of programs which can offer support in their parenting or caregiving role as well as provide a safe environment where children can experience a variety of age appropriate learning activities and practice new skills.
Activities include creative, science and math experiences, circle time, activities that promote literacy and social and emotional development.
CAPC offers outdoor programming when permitted.
Resources and Support
Families will receive access to various helpful resources and tips within the community to help support your child’s growth, development, and transition to school.
Build Relationships
Families will receive an opportunity to interact with their children and other families and staff while utilizing age appropriate learning materials that contribute towards building relationships that will last a life time.
Early Literacy events are held throughout the year that are fun, interactive and often provide families with a complimentary activity bag full of resources, and program materials.